
Got Pimples?

I get this question a lot, usually from one of my younger blog readers, even though pimples can be a lifelong problem.

Is Popping Pimples Bad for My Skin?

Yes, it is. Squeezing, picking at, or pinching a pimple is a REALLY BIG MISTAKE no matter how old you are and can spread your acne and leave your skin with very ugly scars!
A pimple happens when the pore becomes engorged with excess dead skin cells, and bacteria. When you squeeze a pimple, you may force the debris from the pore deeper into the skin. That can cause the follicle wall to rupture and spill infected material into the dermis, the innermost section of the skin. Not only do you run the risk of scarring if you pick at or "pop" your pimples, you can worsen the blemish.
Picking at your pimples can spread infection, and ultimately worsen your acne. Clearly a hands-off policy is the best choice when it comes to your skin.

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