
Enzymes, Prebiotics, Probiotics and Skin Health

Ok- today we are going to get a bit scientific… I keep hearing all about enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics. Is there is a connection between digestive health, overall heath and your skin health?
For those of you who want to take an additional step towards complete skin care, there are a lot of nutritional supplements designed to assist you. Primary players in any supplementing program should be digestive enzymes and minerals.
Digestive enzymes (prebiotic and probiotic) facilitate the breakdown of food in our digestive tract. They are also responsible for transporting the raw nutrients that we get from food throughout our body in a form that our bodies can use.

Digestive enzymes are present in all raw foods that we eat. However heating food over 120 degrees Fahrenheit destroys them, so most of what we eat has been robbed of any naturally occurring enzymes because it has been either cooked or processed. Thus the need for digestive enzyme supplements.
Enzymes and minerals are essential for skin health because skin needs to be able to hold water in order to maintain that plump, healthy look. Water binds to minerals in our body, in fact, our body needs 6-12 different minerals or "body salts" to maintain a healthy glow. If we`re deficient in minerals, water does nothing more than flush out our system, taking with it valuable nutrients and minerals that we need. A general mineral supplement is great support for our skin.  
As always, check with your doctor before taking any dietary or herbal supplements.

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