
Heal Your Heels!

Dry heels can be both irritating and really ugly! When the skin on the heel of a person’s foot gets too dry, it may become thick and hard as well as cracked and flaky. Often, dry heels are little more than a cause of annoyance and embarrassment, especially when a person must walk around in sandals or bare feet in front of others. In some cases, however, the heels may become so dry, irritated, and cracked that the feet begin to bleed. The skin of the heel becomes very hard and may even develop discoloration.

The primary cause of dry, cracking heels is neglect- simply not taking the time EVERY DAY to take care of your feet! I know I am so guilty of this. Other causes include poor fitting shoes, wearing open heeled shoes, age and certain skin conditions.

Exfoliation is an important part of treatment for dry heels. There are many products on the market that can help a person to get rid of dry, dead skin cells. For example, a person may use a heel smoother, which is small device designed to smooth cracked heels and slough off dead skin. A person may also use a pumice stone or even a rough towel to rub away the dry skin; there are even exfoliating creams that have tiny particles for rubbing off dead skin. Some people recommend soaking the feet in warm water before exfoliating to make the process easier and more effective.

Moisturizing is another important part of caring for dry heels. When you get out of the bath or shower, you should apply a moisturizing lotion. However, moisturizers aren’t just for after bath time; a case of dry heels probably warrants moisturizing at least twice per day. Wearing a moisturizer to bed is also a good idea, as it allows the moisturizer to soak into the foot during the night, without such impediments as shoes rubbing up against the heels.

The trick to remember is this- beautiful and healthy feet are no accident. Moisturizing two times EVERYDAY is the real key!!

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